Friday, January 22, 2010

Crown Isle Resort And Golf Community Please Give Me Info On Gold Isle Of Man Jubilee Coin?

Please give me info on gold Isle Of Man Jubilee Coin? - crown isle resort and golf community

I have a piece of gold is very low @ 10mm in diameter. Affirms that the Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth 1 / 32 of the Crown. In the queue next to the Queen is riding on the other side is the head of the habit. I can not find any information on this website, I would like also to know its value. Any information is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


1 comment:

Rick S said...

Go to a parts store / 'numismatist.
But the fact that the designation "1 / 32" and "Jubilee", which means that it is just a monument, like a cup or tea-towel/dish-cloth, not for real money.

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