Monday, February 15, 2010

Sore Spot Stomach Pregnant Sore Spot On Stomach ????what Could It Be?

Sore spot on stomach ????what could it be? - sore spot stomach pregnant

One of my friends have this wound on his stomach pain is not a bump or something, and he said he had nothing to be wrong, and she said it was a small knot in pain, she says, is sensitive. What is it?

could be pregnant?


Anonymous said...

Probably a small hernia - occurs when a doctor should be required to be demonstrated, but most of them are no problem.

I have a few that I have no problem with that, and I for years.

Anonymous said...

Probably a small hernia - occurs when a doctor should be required to be demonstrated, but most of them are no problem.

I have a few that I have no problem with that, and I for years.

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