Sunday, December 6, 2009

Glaucoma Treatment More Condition_symptoms How Long Does Laser Treatment For Glaucoma Last?

How long does laser treatment for Glaucoma last? - glaucoma treatment more condition_symptoms

May increase I've heard that the pressure to start after some time. I wonder how long it would and what would be the next step? You want to do another laser treatment or surgery, as obtained from the conventional?


crowfeat... said...

Laseriridotomie for May in the nearby narrow-angle glaucoma is the first time after the laser treatment, but can be opened easily. In some patients, closure occurs later, and can be easily opened. ALT for open-angle glaucoma, approximately 90% of patients receive an initial response and 80% had a response after one year. The process will disappear with a speed of about 10% per year, slightly less than half of the patients are still under the control after five years. However, it is certainly long enough for it is worthwhile to undergo the procedure.

The trabecular meshwork of the eye works around 360 degrees. In many ophthalmologists treatment of 180 degrees, with 50 points, and when the pressure is under control, stop at this point. Then, if and when the first treatment decreases, the second of 180 degrees can also be treated. Some believe that ophthalmologists in the treatment of all 360 degrees at first. Repeat ALT, is superimposed on the additional treatment administered on the first treatment zone, an attorney wasd. I seldom do. Many patients will receive an increase in IOP, and not a reduction. If the initial treatment (360 degrees if at a meeting or two meetings) are inadequate, or that the effect diminishes, I think the next step should be surgery.

reginach... said...

It really depends on how much you damage to their optic nerve, how fast it moves and what is given to the continuous pressure with drugs such as beta-blockers (via eye drops).

If you already have a laser treatment, you are typically good for * a few years. End of May will be 3 years, 10 years, with some people that are faster and others later on. The only way to know how their condition is to hold regular progress checks with your ophthalmologist.

Depending on the speed of your condition progresses, and other factors, your doctor may suggest another laser treatment or surgery.

However, the operation is generally regarded * as a last resort, though in some cases can be the first option you have, depending on the subtype of glaucoma or if you are unable to tolerate or disadvantages indications for drugs used to treat glaucoma.

The reason why I think it is because the scars and damage from surgery more can occur, leading to more problems and that additional surgery will improve their living conditionsAt this stage, May and worse.

I want to worry, but be sure to keep a close contact with your doctor.

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